About Us

A passion: Indonesia. A long lasting love: Bali.

Crossing Indonesia, tour professionals and travellers since always, materializes passions and makes loves fully alive.

We live in Bali, a land of splendour and ambiguity, of uncurbed spirituality and materiality. Here we give our dreams substance and do share them making Bali and Indonesia acknowledged up to their most remote and less known corners.

Crossing Indonesia, a service agency with a twenty-year experience in travelling along these latitudes. We promote the knowledge of the Indonesian Archipelago and open routes to discover unusual territories, elusive and luxuriant nature, fragile and attracting peoples and cultures: a true paradise for the thoughtful traveller.

From the lost lakes of Sumatra to the coral forests of Alor to the baroque architecture of the Minangkabau to the dwellings of the Bajau; the orangutans of Kalimantan to the elephants of Way Kambas and to the tarsiers of Sulawesi to the rhinos of Jawa. Crossing Indonesia will guide the visitor on beaten tracks or along explorative routes never experienced before. We increase our knowledge through the contact with people of the archipelago and their munificent environment, backed by a scrupulous organization and local guides.

A kaleidoscope of encounters played around Bali, the spiritual centre of Indonesia and the organizational barycentre of our tour service. Bali itself is a sought after destination that we go thorough along less celebrated beaches, most mysterious villages and ceremonies, endless gastronomic choices, to end the day fully immersed in its intense and multicoloured night life.

The suggested routes are conceived as mosaic-like tessera, which everyone shall assemble and reassemble as wished. One can build up one’s lifelong travel by putting together several turnkey itineraries. Or we can tailor routes towards uncommon destinations to fulfil particular wishes of the distinguished traveller.
We encourage to choose among the listed packages or do suggest your desired path and we of Crossing Indonesia will be the glue to link together the tessera through guide sheets, accurate local booking service, transfers, lodging, enthusiast and competent guides in each island of the archipelago.

Our speciality is rainforest trekking: local rangers will let you visit on tiptoe the last cathedrals of nature, the jungle of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. To look after fantastic animal forms, amazing plant endemism, ethnic minorities living in pristine forests. It’s an occasion to build up one’s awareness of the fragility of this nature and these peoples, to understand how an impetuous economic development, of which we are co-responsible, does put in danger such a reserve of biodiversity, which our planet will be fatally altered without.

A separate corner is reserved for the inquisitive traveller, The Semar’s voyages. Semar is a character of the Indonesian Shadow Theater, much loved in Java and Bali. He is also Giancarlo’s avatar, our partner with a passion for Indonesia. The routes inspired by Giancarlo – Semar are more literary paths, roads beaten by past centuries explorers, ways leading to elusive peoples. He will guide you to dive in pristine seas, to walk in pandanus bushes along untouched volcanic beaches, to witness a most strange and surprising nature, to experience a palette of gastronomic tastes to tickle the more intrigued palate.

Crossing Indonesia is all this. We wait for you.
Selamat jalan (enjoy your trip)